Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finals, death be to thee

So I finally am getting some studying done. Finished up all my lab reports for o-chem and booked through my page of notes I am allowed for my sociology final. It feels good to finally get stuff done. I guess I just work up ready to motivate myself: I checked my weight and I am down hella since the last time I weighed myself. I feel good about it. I also worked out for over an hour. Well, maybe just an hour - I had to take a break because the stupid iron pills made me vomit. I'm not kidding, throwing up... I guess it's bile is the worst thing in the world. I despise it so much, but I can't allow myself to eat food.
Right now I am sitting in a room studying with my best friend - we are facing each other at separate desks which is why I am able to type this - and all I can think of is how he would react if he knew what I've been doing these pasts weeks. The extreme decrease in food consumption, the increase in exercise, the amount of time I've spent reading books on anorexia, watching every documentary I can find about it and just writing this blog. I feel like he would flip out for sure. He knows about all my issues and I kind of feel bad about doing this to him, but he is the one preaching about how I have to start doing things for myself, and that's what I am doing. I am doing this for me. At the same time it makes laugh and strikes me as sad. He wants to be a doctor (yeah, he is the kid who easily gets A's in all his classes and is a certified genius destined to help the world) and yet he can't seem to figure out when I am my worst. When I am doing pretty ok he is always on my case making sure everything is legit with me. I don't get it. I feel he might need to be a bit more observant if he wants to be a good doctor. However, he is also the one who refuses to hear me out, so apparently he does need a bit more work before becoming doctor material.
Also, why is so easy to lie to people? Has anyone ever experienced a moment in which your friend is really concerned about you and corners you asking if everything is okay and you can respond with something as lame as "yeah, I'm just tired" and they accept it? I really don't know whether to laugh at how gullible people can be or just feel sad that no one really cares enough to recognize something is wrong and refuse to accept lame excuses. Oh well, I've gotten to the point where I am just going to play people and see how far I can get before one of them grows a brain. Stay strong.  

Friday, April 29, 2011

As time goes on...

... it is actually becoming increasingly easy to refuse food. This is rare for me, usually I break down a lot earlier than this. I am making a few slip ups but the guilt that follows is so unbearable that I can barely handle it. I am also implementing all the tricks that blogs post that I read religiously. I remind myself that I am the one in control. Food does not control me. I do not need food. A moment on the lips, forever on the hips. I try to make mental lists of everything that would be better than being thin and come up with absolutely nothing. I realize that food will never be more important or ever better than being thin will be. And of course all the blogs I am following are helping. It is nice to read about everyone else going through similar struggles, and every achievement they make inspires me to stay strong even in my lowest points.

I am scared for summer though. I know nothing good will happen once I go home. I always seem to lose control. I don't know why. Plus my mental state cannot handle home. Regardless of how much smaller I am when I return home my parents never seem satisfied with my weight. Even when my sister (who is shorter than me) is way bigger than me I am the first person to get crap for eating anything. Even if the thing I am eating is the first real food I've eaten for days. I know they don't know that, but still it is frustrating to do so much and be so dedicated to losing weight and have your parents put down your efforts as though you've been sitting on your fatass eating for the past 3 months. I am definitely more stressed about going home and falling off my weight loss then I am for finals... not good. Sorry to keep complaining but I don't have many other places to go. I just can't make anyone really hear me out, plus everyone has good relationships with their parents and can't understand my hesitance in going home. Anywho, I have to study organic chemistry... I removed myself from my room and any source of food just to make sure I don't stress eat. Stay strong.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Alright so I am anemic meaning I have to take iron supplements every morning or risk passing out. Now here's the problem, taking those on an empty stomach is the most painful thing in the world. I vomit almost every morning due to this because I don't eat. And let me tell you vomiting up stomach acid is disgustingly unpleasant. Has anyone ever dealt with this? I have to take the pills and I want to take them without pain but I absolutely refuse to shove unneccesary calories into my body.

On a better note, I am training myself well for the summer. I am down to one meal a day, only dinner and even then I am making sure I am a calorie deficit for the day before I eat. Right now for example, I am at an over 400 calorie deficit and still have yet to eat. This is huge for me because finals are coming up soon and I usually stress eat - it's gross. And yet, here I am - well into dead week, far behind on work, and it's motivating me to stay away from food rather than go near it. Ana is awesome like that I suppose. 

I am a tad frustrated because even though I am barely eating and exercising like a beast, my weight is still the same. I'm wondering if this weight is muscle weight but it is probably just nasty fat. Also, I am open with a few of my friends about my relationship with food and they just don't seem to get it. Sometimes I just need to vent about my body. It is not cute. I am not in shape - I have fat everywhere and just because you don't see it (I dress myself hella well to hide my body) doesn't mean it isn't there. Stop silencing me every time I start to talk. I am allowed to feel bad about my body - respect me and just let me talk. If he really wanted to help me overcome this then he would take the time to figure out how my brain functions and how my thought process is on a daily basis. His absolute refusal to let me speak out is actually encouraging me to stick by Ana's side even more. She's there for me when no one else wants to hear me out. And my other friend - I'm not sure if she just doesn't understand it or is in denial about my issues, but she keeps making jokes about my not eating. Greetings fool, it's actually not that funny when you can barely handle putting food in your mouth without a complete breakdown. And by the way "you're like anorexic" is not accurate. I am anorexic. I've told you this, please remember before making stupid statements. You sound like a dumbass. 

Sorry about the rant but people are on my last nerves. And i'm sure massive amounts of stress plus really low blood sugar levels are helping. Stay strong!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am doing it. A lot of it. It feels amazing to be back doing it again. I have taken down food portions to almost negligible amounts or purge if I eat too much. Yesterday was a somewhat bad day for eating, but I am making up for it in the amount I have been moving. I am doing the eliptical like it is nobody's business and feel amazing, although a tad dizzy. I'm hoping that is just because I forgot to take my iron pill today. Anywho, it is dead week at our school right now which means I am swamped  with homework and am stressed out of my mind. And still Ana seems to be the only thing I can focus on. I'm hoping soon I can use all my work as a way to distract myself from hunger and pass my final exams. Then it will be onto summer for me and a whole bunch of grey area as to how I will keep up my current eating habits/lifestyle under the somewhat watchful eye of my parents who enjoy cooking disgusting amounts of delicious food. Maybe I can get my entire house on a diet with hella smaller portions so it doesn't seem weird that I am eating very little. Plus smaller portions are easier to hide and throw away later.

Bah, exercising again (just did an hour workout) tonight with my friend. I think they would freak if they realized how much I was actually working out.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well let's just say that life does not want me to fast. Fine. I, thankfully, still lost some weight. One thing I have come to love about Ana is she has changed my eating habits clear around (well duh) this year. Before I used to eat grotesque amounts of food whenever I was stressed or upset - you know, comfort eating. Now however, the last thing I would ever want when I am upset is food. This weekend was a great motivator for me not to eat because I was upset the whole time. I feel like that shouldn't be something I am happy about, but I am.
My parents sent me an Easter gift of evil. A ton of chocolate from See's. It's so amazing, and while caving a bit, I am been able to either purge it, or give it away to my friend. I almost feel bad because I know she is trying to lose weight and I constantly sabotage her to ensure my weight loss happens without a flaw. I'm kind of a bad friend in that aspect. :( But I mean all is fair in love and Ana right?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 1: again

So I definitely did not research soon enough. I realize I should have been on a juice fast instead of immediately going on a water fast. Especially considering I have never fasted before. Thusly, late last night I failed miserably at the fast, I had chocolate and a couple handfuls of cereal. Then at four in the morning I woke up with terrible cramps and FREAKED out. I made rice and I ate at four in the flipping morning. It wasn't all that much, but still. Gross. Control is not something I had.

Anywho, today I am going to meet up with a bunch of volunteers from Invisible Children at a book store downtown to talk about helping at their 25 event. If you haven't checked out Invisible Children, you should. You can donate money you don't spend towards food to a good cause. It's what I do and it's fantastic motivation. Hopefully I will be able to stay strong there and then go procure some juice at Whole Foods or something. I am just going to look at all the failure as a lesson to do a lot more research before embarking on stupidity. I won't let it set me back. Today I start the juice fast and am super excited. :) Stay strong everyone. And good luck

Friday, April 22, 2011


So I realized that I need to make a plan. Without one I am set for failure. I can always justify food because I have no end goal, end date, end anything. So after reading tons of stuff I've decided to do a fast. As of now I will only go until the 25th. Only four days, but I made the dumb mistake of telling people I had this eating disorder and that's the day they all come back from Easter break. Hopefully this time without them will allow me to find ways to hide my lack of food. But yes, nothing but water (and because of an outside plethora of health problems, possibly the occasional coffee or juice - although only if I have to fear passing out in front of others... it's really annoying to get shipped off to the hospital that many times, people overreact like crazy) for the next four days. I have never done anything like this and so I am a tad nervous. I may have to research a lot on it.

Other than that I've been watching videos like Thin (which is amazing, check it out on youtube) and Super size me on hulu. I can tell you, reverse thinspiration at its finest. Absolutely disgusting. Def something to watch if you want to pick up that piece of food. And I'm working on a ton of school work (chem major's have absolutely no rest) and currently working on a presentation on Lady Gaga. Now there is some inspiration to not eat. Have you seen her? She is so tiny, so fit, so thin and so perfect. I'm just hoping all this work keeps me preoccupied and not thinking of food.

Stay strong everyone.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ohai there

Hey every...anyone,

I've been reading a lot of blogs on here today and after intense inspiration from Eva's blog: [Insert Awesome Ana Blog Title Here] I decided to give this a try. I'm not much for a ton of introductions - basically I am disgusted with my body. I have spent years neck deep in eating disorders and it still feels like I am constantly failing. This will be a blog on my adventures fighting against the evil demon that is food.

I'm doing this mostly so I can have a place where I can post my achievements, my failings and hopefully find a community of support. Starting today I will move away from all the temptations that try to sway me from the path to perfection and I will remember that food does not control me. I will stay strong. Hopefully I'm not just talking to empty space.

I guess a little intro: I'm 5'5. Currently 152, and my short term goal weight is 140 by summer break which for me is in less than two weeks. When I first became anorexic I was close to 200 pounds because of a surgery. I'm not srue what my long term weight goal is yet because I'm trying to focus on one day at a time.